Asking your Facebook Group members questions is a great way to increase engagement! Groups are very people-oriented pages, and you want your members to get the most out of their experience.
While the following prompts will give you some ideas, remember - your page needs to be authentic to you and your personal brand! Before you choose a prompt, ask yourself a few questions:
● How is this relevant to me?
● Would I respond to this prompt myself?
● Will this bring value and spark conversation on my page?
At the end of the day, group prompts should do two things: help your followers get to know you better, and help you get to know your clients more personally! Adding pictures from your personal life that relate to the story you’re telling is always a great idea.
**Keep in mind that the anecdotal information in each prompt paragraph should be edited to apply to you and your interests.**
Prompt Ideas for August
1. August is a bittersweet month for me. As someone who loves summer, I’m glad we still have another month to enjoy the sunlight before cold weather starts creeping in! On the other hand, I’m sad that we ONLY have another month for all our favorite summer activities.
I’ve spent a lot of time traveling, laying in the sun, and making memories with my friends and family over these past couple of months. But, there are still a few things I’d like to check off my summer bucket list before September rolls around! What are a couple of things you’d still like to make time to do before fall arrives?
2. Now that the cabi Fall ‘22 Collection is officially here, I’m so excited to see all my clients and Stylist friends make these new pieces their own! Every day as I’m scrolling through Instagram, I see many of you combine pieces I never thought would work together — it really inspires me to take chances and try styles I’ve never been brave enough to try before!
What are your top three favorite pieces from the new fall collection? Are they right in tune with your style, or did you surprise yourself with how much you loved them?!
3. While I love EVERYTHING about being a cabi Stylist, my favorite part by far is hosting in-person and virtual cabi Fashion Experiences for my clients and all their girlfriends!
There’s something incredibly special about a group of friends coming together to support each other, finding their personal styles and having a blast while doing so. I love the look on my clients’ faces when they find that perfect piece to add to their wardrobe, laughing and sharing stories, and of course, building lasting friendships!
Have you ever hosted a cabi Fashion Experience? If so, what’s your favorite part of the event?
4. There’s no better time than summer to try out new styles and see what sticks! Although style trends change what seems like every day, it can be fun to try out what’s “in” this season — even if it’s something you would have never guessed you’d love!
Some of my favorite Summer ‘22 trends are bold yellows, patterned dresses, and knit bathing suit cover-ups. What about you — are there any unexpected summer trends you really loved trying out over the past couple of months?
5. Everybody has a different definition of “the perfect summer trip.” While some people love to feel the sand between their toes and hear the waves crashing at the beach, others enjoy the hustle and bustle of exploring a new city and spending hours walking around museums!
What’s your summer vacationing style — would you rather spend a week laying on the beach and walking around the boardwalk, or exploring a historic city and trying the local cuisine?
6. (National “Tell a Joke Day,” August 16th, 2022) Today is a lesser-known, but in my opinion, one of the funniest national holidays we have — Happy “Tell a Joke” Day! Although we may never publicly admit it, we’re all suckers for a well-told joke.
Maybe you like to figure out riddles, or perhaps you secretly laugh your head off at your husband’s famous “dad jokes!” In the spirit of this silly holiday, let’s all try to make each other laugh in the comments with our favorite party joke!
7. Nothing gets people talking like the age-old debate of “cats or dogs?” You can really tell a lot about a person based on their answer!
Some people stop at nothing to defend the point that dogs are the best pets out there, and others will spend hours convincing you that cats are the superior choice!
This month is home to two pet-related holidays — International Cat Day on August 8th, and National Dog Day on August 26th! So, let’s all defend our opinions in the comments: are dogs or cats the superior household pet?!
7. Now that August is officially here, a lot of us are spending time reminiscing on all the memories we’ve made throughout Summer ‘22. Maybe you finally went on your dream vacation, or perhaps you spent all your free time with your children or grandchildren while they’ve been on summer vacation.
Whether you experienced new adventures this summer or just spent some extra time around family, keep in mind that you don’t have to go on a tropical getaway to truly have a summer to remember! With that said, I’d love to hear all about your all-time favorite memory of this summer. As always, bonus points for pictures!
8. For most parts of the country, August marks the beginning of back to school season! While I always enjoyed those months when my children were off from school and we could spend the day swimming in the pool or taking a trip to the amusement park, each new school year means more opportunities for new friends, new hobbies, and of course, new memories children will cherish for a lifetime.
Do you have any children in your life getting ready to go back-to-school? Or, anyone who’s starting a milestone year like kindergarten, high school, or even college?
9. Even though I’m sad that summer is coming to an end, I’m still excited about everything Fall ‘22 has in store for me, my family, and my friends!
While I’m not a huge fan of colder weather, I am excited to pull out my favorite jackets, go-to jeans, and of course, sweaters, for trips to the pumpkin patch!
Fall is home to a couple of my favorite holidays, like Halloween and Thanksgiving, as well as some of the most beautiful outdoor walks you’ll ever have. Even if you’re feeling bittersweet about the end of summer, what are you most excited to do this fall?
10. August tends to be a very divisive month. Some people never want summer to end, while others are already getting ready to pull out the boots and sweaters they’ll need once autumn arrives!
Depending on how you feel about colder weather, falling leaves, and the potential for snow, you may be holding onto every last minute of Summer ‘22, or you might be counting down the days until fall begins on September 22nd! How do you feel about it — are you taking full advantage of the remaining days of summer, or are you ready for fall to get here ASAP?
11. Everyone has a different work style. Some people thrive while working from home, and others couldn’t wait to get back to the office!
You might do your best work from the comfort of your living room while wearing your pajamas, or you may need that early wake-up call, morning routine, and drive downtown to really feel productive.
Whether you’re still working from home or you’ve gone back to the office full-time, let me know down below — do you prefer the freedom of working from home or the structure of working in the office? And, how are you currently working?
12. As I was doing my makeup this morning, I thought about this question: if I was stuck on a deserted island and could only bring one of these products with me, which would I choose? I went back and forth between mascara, brow gel, and concealer…before I realized that if I WAS stuck on a deserted island, I wouldn’t really need any makeup!
So, I wanted to update this age-old question with a more realistic one — if you could only use THREE makeup products for the rest of your life (no specific location!), which three would you choose?
13. When someone says “personal style,” most peoples’ minds go straight to clothing. But, the way you wear your hair is also a part of your unique style! If you’re anything like me, you tend to switch up your signature hairstyle based on the seasons.
In the winter, I love wearing my hair down. Some days I curl it, and some days I just add a little extra volume in the back with my favorite strong-hold hairspray. But, in the summer, I’m partial to up-dos and pulled-back styles that keep my hair out of my face!
What are a couple of your go-to summer hairstyles?
14. There’s no summer activity that’s quite as relaxing as gardening. Even on the hottest days, I find solace in putting on my biggest, floppiest hat, most comfortable pair of jeans, and a casual tank top to sit in my garden pruning, harvesting, and giving my plants a cool shower with the hose.
While I grow all types of crops in my garden, including flowers, berries, and summer vegetables like peppers and green beans, some people have a preference! Do you prefer growing flowers or harvestable crops like fruits and vegetables in your garden?