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November 2022 Group Prompts

Asking your Facebook Group members questions is a great way to increase engagement! Groups are very people-oriented pages, and you want your members to get the most out of their experience.

While the following prompts will give you some ideas, remember - your page needs to be authentic to you and your personal brand! Before you choose a prompt, ask yourself a few questions:

● How is this relevant to me?

● Would I respond to this prompt myself?

● Will this bring value and spark conversation on my page?

At the end of the day, group prompts should do two things: help your followers get to know you better, and help you get to know your clients more personally! Adding pictures from your personal life that relate to the story you’re telling is always a great idea.

**Keep in mind that the anecdotal information in each prompt paragraph should be edited to apply to you and your interests.**

Prompt Ideas for November

1. (Veterans Day, November 11th) Happy Veterans Day! Today’s all about celebrating those who’ve served our country in the military, learning about their experiences, and honoring their sacrifices.

If you have a relative, neighbor, or friend who has served in the military, make sure to give them a call or stop by for a visit today to thank them.

How will you be celebrating Veterans Day today? Have any stories about family members in service? I’d love to hear them!

2. (National Take a Hike Day, November 16th) Do you like spending time outdoors? Are you an exploration enthusiast? If so, you may be excited for today’s national holiday — National Take a Hike Day!

Hiking is something I’ve enjoyed throughout my entire life. There’s just something about getting away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and escaping into the woods that refreshes me, and if I pick the right spot, the views are unbeatable!

Do you like to hike? If so, I’d love to see photos from your favorite hiking spot!

3. (Thanksgiving, November 24th) My favorite holiday is finally here — Happy Thanksgiving!

We always host Thanksgiving at my house, and while some people hate sitting in the kitchen cooking all day, we always have a great time!

My whole family loves to help cut up vegetables and baste the turkey, and sometimes, the preparation is even more fun than the main event!

How will you be celebrating Thanksgiving? Do you host or do you go to a family member or friend’s house?

4. (Black Friday weekend, November 25th-28th) Now that all the hard work from Thanksgiving is done, I’m ready to relax with some retail therapy. And, what better time than Black Friday weekend?!

Black Friday has grown a lot over the past decade. We used to rush out early Friday morning to beat the crowds at the mall, but there are now more ways than ever to get those special deals!

You can still head to the mall after Thanksgiving dinner or wake up early to try your luck at the department stores, but now we also have Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday!

What’s your favorite way to shop on Black Friday weekend? Do you shop in-person on Friday, head downtown on Small Business Saturday, or wait for online deals on Cyber Monday?!

5. There are many holidays that we celebrate in November, but Thanksgiving is undoubtedly the most popular.

Everyone knows that turkey is the biggest draw to a Thanksgiving feast, but I think the side dishes are my favorite part!

From mashed potatoes to cranberry sauce, I always go back for seconds. But, if I had to pick a favorite, I think I’d choose stuffing!

What about you — what’s your favorite Thanksgiving side dish? Do you have a special way to prepare it?

6. It might only be November, but the stores are already full of holiday decorations! As soon as Halloween ends, they waste no time putting out ornaments, fake Christmas trees, and lots of tinsel!

Going to Target and seeing all the holiday decorations during November always gets me excited for winter. But, some people have other opinions — they’d rather wait for Thanksgiving to be over until they even start thinking about the December holidays!

What’s your take: do you like decorating for the holidays ASAP, or do you wait for December?

7. Since cabi released the Fall ‘22 Collection, we’ve seen two sets of New Arrivals — the Coastlines Collection and the Northern Lights Collection.

The Coastlines Collection included some great pieces for fall, like the popular Serpent wrap and the Legacy shirt, while the Northern Lights Collection was all about radiant greens and blues with the Chalet pullover and Rosy top!

Both collections had some great options, but I’m curious to know — which was your favorite? The Coastlines Collection or the Northern Lights Collection?

8. Over the past couple of years, virtual cabi Fashion Experiences have become incredibly popular.

While it started as a way to continue hosting shows with your friends during the COVID pandemic, it’s becoming a great way to connect with your girlfriends across town or across the country!

Even though in-person shows have come back, many people still prefer virtual Fashion Experiences for this very reason. So, what’s your opinion — do you like in-person or virtual shows better?

9. New cabi collections come out twice per year, and every time, I find so many pieces I absolutely love.

While most pieces come and go, there are a few that stay in my wardrobe for years! I adore all the new pieces I pick from each new collection, but vintage cabi is something I hold near and dear to my heart.

Whether it’s from a more recent collection or something from years ago, I’m curious to know — what’s your all-time favorite cabi piece? Bonus points for pictures of you wearing it!

10. In addition to fashion, one of my biggest passions is curating my house with the perfect pieces of furniture and decorations that really make it feel like home.

Over the past few years, neutral colors like white, beige, and gray have really taken off! A lot of people go for that “clean” look, with subtle pops of color here and there.

On the other hand, I’ve met a lot of people who prefer to have more color in their homes!

While neutral colors definitely look nice, it can make cleaning hard to keep up with. And, while colors don’t show dirt as much, they do make things look a bit “busy.”

What’s your take — do you like to have a lot of color in your home, or do you stick to neutral colors?

11. 20 years ago, denim ruled the world. Almost everyone you saw throughout the day was sporting their favorite pair of jeans, and a lot of people raved about how much more comfortable they were than other types of pants!

But, over the past decade, the tides have significantly turned.

Now, all I ever hear people talk about is how uncomfortable their jeans are compared to their favorite pair of yoga pants!

I don’t mind wearing jeans, but I definitely reach for my yoga pants or leggings at the first chance I get.

What about you? Do you still love wearing jeans, or are you more partial to yoga pants?

12. Some people jump out of bed at the first sign of sun, while others snooze their alarm more than a few times before groggily rolling out of bed — that’s the main difference between an early bird and a night owl!

Even though some people can make you feel guilty about sleeping in or staying up late at night, different schedules work well for different people.

Personally, I’m a self-proclaimed night owl. Early mornings have never been my thing, and since I work for myself, it’s never been a problem with my schedule!

Which do you consider yourself — early bird or night owl? Does your schedule allow for it, or do you have trouble adjusting during the week?

13. As you might expect, shopping is one of my favorite pastimes!

I usually do a big haul at the beginning of each season, but I do catch myself at the stores a few more times throughout the following months.

If I had to guess, I’d say I go shopping around once a month. But, if I happen to be at the store for other reasons and see something that catches my eye, I definitely won’t pass it up!

How often do you go shopping? Do you get everything in one go, or do you split it up throughout the season?

14. Whether we realize it or not, we all have somewhat of a “morning routine.”

There are those little things we need to get done before we can really start the day, and usually, we do them in a specific order!

When I wake-up in the morning, the first thing I do is brush my teeth. No matter what else I have going on, I can’t even have my morning coffee until I do it — it gives me the boost I need to really wake-up and start my day!

What’s your first priority when you wake-up in the morning?

15. Our smartphones have made our lives easier than ever.

One of the more recent concepts the internet has made easier is grocery shopping — while you used to have to set time aside each week to take a trip to the grocery store, you can now order groceries to be delivered directly to your door!

Some people have made this their primary way to grocery shop, while others would rather see the items they’re purchasing in-person and search for the best deals in the store.

Have you ever tried online grocery shopping? If so, do you prefer it to traditional grocery shopping?

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