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September 2023 Group Prompts

September 2023 Private Group Prompts

Asking your Facebook Group members questions is a great way to increase engagement! Groups are very people-oriented pages, and you want your members to get the most out of their experience.

While the following prompts will give you some ideas, remember - your page needs to be authentic to you and your personal brand! Before you choose a prompt, ask yourself a few questions:

● How is this relevant to me?

● Would I respond to this prompt myself?

● Will this bring value and spark conversation on my page?

At the end of the day, group prompts should do two things: help your followers get to know you better, and help you get to know your clients more personally! Adding pictures from your personal life that relate to the story you’re telling is always a great idea.

**Keep in mind that the anecdotal information in each prompt paragraph should be edited to apply to you and your interests.**

Prompt Ideas for September

1. (Labor Day — September 4th, 2023) Happy Labor Day! If you’re lucky enough to have today off, I hope you had a chance to sleep in a little later, spend some time outside, or take a weekend trip with your family!

I’ll be spending most of today outside, enjoying the warm weather before Fall starts creeping up on us. How have you been spending Labor Day weekend?

2. (First Day of Fall — September 23rd, 2023) The First Day of Fall is finally here! I’m sad to see Summer end, but I’m excited for everything this new season has in store. From the changing leaves to holidays like Halloween and Thanksgiving, there’s so much fun to be had over the next couple of months.

Apart from pulling out my autumn wardrobe, I think I’m most excited to celebrate Halloween with friends and family this Fall. What fall activities or holidays are you looking forward to the most?

3. (National Coffee Day — September 29th, 2023) Happy National Coffee Day! As someone who absolutely needs a cup of coffee in the morning, I think this is my favorite of all the “national” days!

We’re in pumpkin spice season right now, and even though it might be an unpopular opinion, I think there are much better “fall drinks” than pumpkin spice lattes!

Personally, I love the apple crisp macchiato from Starbucks, and I’m so glad they brought it back this year! I’ll be grabbing one on my way home, but I’m always open to suggestions! What special drink will you be celebrating National Coffee Day with?

4. Some districts start later than others, but it’s safe to say back to school time has finally come and gone!

All the kiddos are back in school, and as much fun as we’ve all had spending time with kids and grandkids this summer, I was so happy to finally see those annual “First Day of School” pictures!

Did you have kids or grandkids start new school years over the past few weeks? If so, I’d love to see some pictures and hear what grades they’re starting!

5. Cold weather is coming, and as much as I’d love to hang onto my Summer wardrobe forever, I am getting excited about all my new cabi Fall ‘23 pieces!

Having a new wardrobe ready for when the cool weather hits really makes the transition between seasons easier. One piece I’m especially excited to wear is the Zip Cardigan — the neutral off-white means it can go with nearly everything, and best of all, it has pockets!

What cold weather cabi pieces are you most excited to wear this Fall?

6. Cabi has become famous for their reversible dresses, and just when I think I’ve found my favorite, they release one I love even more than the last!

The geometric side of the Trophy Dress was a big part of my Summer wardrobe, but now that we’re moving into Fall, I’m excited to start trying out the abstract black and green polka dot side.

I’m still partial to my summertime print, but I can see the other side becoming a favorite as I wear it more often. What do you think — do you like the geometric or polka dot side of the Trophy Dress better?

7. After a long day of working, running errands, and taking care of chores around the house, it’s essential to find ways to relax before you go to sleep!

My before bed relaxation routine has three parts. First, I sit down and watch an episode of my favorite show. After that, I do my evening skincare routine so I can wake up feeling refreshed. Then, it’s time for my favorite part — reading a few chapters of my favorite book before turning out the light!

We all unwind in different ways, so I’m curious to know: what’s your favorite way to relax before you go to sleep?

8. Some people love the peace and quiet of a suburban lifestyle, and others need the hustle and bustle of the city to feel energized and take on whatever the day throws at them!

While I love visiting the city, I’m a suburban girl at heart. There’s just something wonderful about waking up to birds chirping, the hum of the lawnmower, and seeing trees outside my window!

If you could live anywhere, would you rather live in the city or the suburbs?

9. Vacation season is winding down, and I know a lot of us spent at least a little bit of time visiting a new place this Summer! Between big hotels, small bed & breakfasts, and private AirBnb rentals, there’s a ton of ways to vacation these days.

Even though it can be fun to stay in an AirBnb, I still prefer hotel life! I love coming back to a clean room, taking advantage of amenities like pools, gyms, and hot tubs, and I especially love ordering room service!

What’s your preferred way to travel — hotel or AirBnb?

10. If you’re like me, the number one person you “Facebook stalk” is yourself! It’s fun to take a trip down memory lane, tagging friends in old photos, and reminiscing about the fun you had in years past.

One underrated part of browsing through your Facebook profile is looking through your old profile pictures — whether you’ve always had luck with profile pictures or catch yourself saying, “what was I thinking?!” when you see an old photo, it’s fun to look — and even more fun to share with friends!

Here’s the first profile photo I have on my account. Now that I’ve shown you mine, I’d love to see yours!




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